Only a record can be characterized by the fact that the West and the united states made a joint announcement by the Russian bombing and for the protection of islamist groups who have been "baptized" as a "moderate armed opposition".
The "deep concern" that the Russian bombing in Syria will lead to a further escalation of the conflict represent seven countries starting with the united states.
The notice was issued by the Turkish FOREIGN ministry! It is noted that the Anchor has one of the most obscure roles for the power supply and the supply of the islamists, the overthrow of the Syrian president With.Asad.The communication, signed by the United States, Germany, France, Britain, Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
Call on the Russian Federation to immediately stop its attacks against the syrian opposition and civilians" and "to focus its efforts in the fight against the Islamic State"!
"The bombing led to civilian casualties, and they haven't targeted the Islamic State" report.
The Turkish prime minister Ahmet Davutoglu kept it going even further by stating that "the entire operation is directed against the Free Syrian Army"!
This construct just isn't THERE! Some of them have been trained by the CIA to overthrow the syrian government, and indeed the USA they had no problem παρδεχτούν recently!
As he Russian president B.Putin had καταγγειλει "those who εκπαιδεύτε flee and go with american weaponry to join the ISIL" and that's exactly what's going on beyond the fact of whether the US has the moral right to overturn don't agree with in these governments.
Watch what he says notorious Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which works in favor of western designs. It is acknowledged that the Russians bombed the last three goals of the Islamic State in the capital city of the "ISIL", ar raqqah, as positions of Al-Qaeda in the province of Aleppo.
He argued, however, that the Russian air Force has been hit in Idlib and other opposition forces.
What are these other powers? Is the Coalition Jaysh al Fateh, the Islamic Front, the Ahrar al-Cham Brigade TAWHID, Jaysh al Islam and a host of other "wonderful" and "poetic" names of terrorist organizations. Looks like some of these as "moderate"to you?
They all have a common goal: the overthrow of the M.Asad in order to rise to power someone to the liking of the West.
It is noted that among the seven countries are Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, which spent millions of dollars to fund all kinds of islamists in Syria, while Turkey was the "Station" through which the everywhere σαλαφιστές from 80 different countries were able to enter Syria, where it and make it an incredible blood bath at the expense of men,women,children,infants, and the elderly.
Is the country that according to reports of the Turkish Press, but also relevant briefs using the MIT channel weapons systems and equipment to jihadists, has bases, camps, education of terrorists to fight the syrian Army, while their offers as and medical care.
It doesn't end here, however. The inside of the Turkey is carried out and the illegal trade of stolen antiquities from Syria, while freely trading in the ισλμαιστές the stolen syrian and iraqi oil from the Deir Ezor and Mosul, through the Turkish ports.
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